Sunday, April 19, 2009

Proofreading and Editing Letters by Clara Thompson

Proofreading and editing letters by Clara Thompson

Why is it always a good idea to proofread any type of written work before submitting it? Well, ever heard the saying “two heads are better than one”? When it comes to proofreading, a form of editing, it is always a good idea as in other things to get at least two opinions. Proofreading is your final opportunity to catch your mistakes and review your content before submitting it. It is important to review your work because one small mistake can create a big problem. For example, one misplaced decimal point can create a staggering budgetary error. Incorrect or imprecise instructions can cause injury to a worker. After all, you don’t want one grammar mistake to make you seem like you have no knowledge of how work is to be presented do you? Well, below you will find tips on how to become a successful proofreader/editor of your work or anyone else’s.

• Read it out loud and silently.
• Use a spell checker and a grammar checker as a first screening but don’t depend on them.
• Have others read it
• Give a copy of the document to another person and keep a copy for yourself. Take turns reading it out loud to each other. While one of you reads, the other one follows along to catch any errors and awkward sounding phrases.

For more tips on proofreading and editing, please follow the link below.


Oliu, Walter E., Charles T. Brusaw, and Gerald J. Alred. Writing That Works Communicating Effectively on the Job.


  1. I like that you put in the visual of all of the correction marks. Nice touch. I also like the fact that you put in the list to help the writer know what to do to make sure you write with minimum mistakes. Great work. Hope you have a great summer.

  2. Excellent Post! Very useful and informative Information! :D The picture is very detailed in showing what to use for editing.

  3. Yes, proofread twice and then once more;)Nicely done, Clara: concise, clear, easy to read. Nice job:)

  4. the proofreading marks is an excellent touch to the post, and since many people dont know all the marks it is also helpful. Great post.

  5. This is the voice I like to hear, Clara! Among other things, you have provided some useful information that will help people in every day sitatutions. Thank you for all of your hard work throughout the semester!
