Each one of us has a unique system of beliefs, goals, and desires. When a few people work on a single project, a conflict is often inevitable. As students, we have all been involved in teamwork, working on various projects, fulfilling our responsibilities, helping out other team members, and looking for compromise. Diversity, a major team advantage, is also a main reason for conflict. So, how do you manage the conflict properly, so it can result in benefits for your team? Read on!
1. Remember, conflict can lead to new ideas and approaches, and, in this sense, can be looked at as positive experience.
2. A good way to try to avoid conflict is for each member to know what they are accountable for and plan their work accordingly.
3. Team rules are important and following them will help you focus and avoid potential problems.
4. Please remember to always be respectful of your fellow teammates and look for compromise.
5. Confrontation can be a problem-solving technique, when the members respectfully try to get to the root of the issue and eliminate its cause.
6. Good communication is an essential key to avoid team conflicts: good listening skills, sufficient information sharing and its correct interpretation, and the proper use of nonverbal cues.
7. Finally, leaders have to be very aware of their own qualities and those of their teams, and do everything they can to make the interaction positive and valuable for the team.
Don't complain about conflicts, don't ignore them or blame others. We are all guilty of doing it sometimes, but reaching resolution through compromise and negotiation is much more effective and will make you feel in control of the situation. Go, Team!
Please, follow this link for more great tips on managing team conflicts and more :
"Resolving conflict in project management | pmStudent." The Best Project Management Blog and Project Management Articles. 13 Apr. 2009
"Resolving Conflict in Work Teams - An article by The Team Building Directory." Team Building - Activities, Companies, Directory and Information. 13 Apr. 2009
"Becoming a Strong Project Leader, Resolving Project Team Conflicts and Building Project Teams - ESI International Instructor Peggy Jo Wallis Shares Her Project Management Best Practices." Business Training for Project Management and Business Professionals, ESI International. 13 Apr. 2009