Sunday, April 5, 2009

Writing Concisely by Scott Dillon

What is concise? Concise is simply, to the point.

"Clutter is the disease of American writing," says William Zinsser in his classic text, On Writing Well. "We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills, and meaningless jargon."

Tips to Writing Concisely:

  • Write Conversationally
    “The way you speak without slang or incomplete sentences.”
  • Reduce Long Clauses
    “Reduce long clauses to shorter phrases.”
  • Reduce Phrases
    “Reduce phrases to single words.”
  • Drop the Clichés
    Overused expressions, simply avoid.”
  • Avoid Empty Openers
    “Empty openers add nothing to the meaning of a sentence.”
  • Don't Overwork Modifiers
    “Modifiers add nothing or little to the meaning of a sentence.”
  • Avoid Redundancies (Repetitious Expressions)
    “Phrases that use more words than necessary to make a point.”

    Examples of these tips can be found at the various sites that are cited below.


    Writing911, "Get to the Point! How to Prune Wordy Writing into Clear, Concise Prose ." EcoScribe Communications 2005 1. 5 Apr 2009.

    Nordquist, Richard. "Top 5 Tips to Cut the Clutter." 04/12/2007 1. 5 Apr 2009.

    Bindas, Christina. "Focal Point." GettyImages. Flickr. 5 Apr 2009


    1. Simple, clear and concise. This post really helps the reader follow you and read the excellent points to being concise. Great visual as well. Keep up the great work Scott.

    2. Concise and to the point! Great photo, quite a
      find! I like the smaller font here, think it goes great with the whole layout; great job, Scott!

    3. That was an awesome post. I like how your post on being concise, was very concise! I hate reading pages worth of writing just to find something out that could have been expressed in a sentence!!

    4. Nice post Scott. I like the points you included that truly do help reduce "clutter" in writing. I also like the addition of the examples at the bottom. Keep up the good work!

    5. short and concise, and to the point is all you need. Very good post I enjoyed it.

    6. I like your post mostly because, it is concise in itself. The writing uses plenty of white space, and, after looking at that crazy picture, it is almost subliminal when reading it! Great job, as always and I look forward to next weeks posting.
