Monday, April 13, 2009

Writing Thank You Letters by Jason Levine

Writing a thank you note in the business world is a very courteous thing to do and is very often overlooked. A simple letter that shows your appreciation can seriously be the difference between a job or not, a contract or not, etc.

A few things to remember when it comes to writing thank you notes:
-One should typically write a thank you note as soon as possible.
-Make sure it is addressed to a specific person, not necessarily just a thank you card labeled with a company's name.
-Do not write a long, drawn out letter. Be short and sweet.
-Make the thank you note specific to the incident you are thanking the person for. No one likes receiving a generic thank you card.

When it comes to writing a thank you note for an interview, it is important to write the note within 24 hours. Obviously one would want the recipient to get the note before their decision has been made.

Tips For Writing Thank You Letters-By Nathan Newberger-

Thank-You Letters-


  1. Jason, it is short and sweet, may be a little too short...:)You definitely have some valid points, like addressing a specific event and person when expressing gratitude. Nobody wants a phony "thanks," but a sincere "really appreciate what you did." Good job!

  2. I do agree short and simple, but an image would help spice things up, cartoon or something. Help break-up the block of text on the screen.

    Great post overall, and great points.

  3. Jason,

    Concise is definitly a great word to describe this post. I would add a visual of some sort to add some extra substance to your post. Great information though. I agree the less "cookie cutter" you can make the thank you letter, the better.

  4. Very concise post. I am still looking for some sizzle with a graphic and some pop with your voice. Did you ever have to write a thank you note after a job interview you had? Bring in more you to your posts.

  5. Yes, I agree with all of the posts. While the information is good, you should remember the personal experience and shed light on that when you write to the world through the blog. I want to know more about Jason! Good job on the information, conciseness and citations.

  6. It’s sad but true. The thank you letter is the most over looked letter in business. Most take for granted what other do for them. However, one should remember the most important thank you letter one will ever write, and that is a thank you letter to a perspective employer. Remember to send a thank you letter after every interview. This is the best way to lock in the job.

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